Calculating Residual Lifetime of PE Pipeline

Residual Lifetime Assessment of PE Pipelines

Polyethylene pipes are tough, durable and have a design life of up to 100 years. How can a pipeline owner determine the remaining life of a pipe that has been in service for many years?

An assessment of the current state of a pipe combined with a view on the ongoing service conditions provides the information that enables the residual lifetime to be estimated. This type of assessment allows the owners of pipeline assets to optimally plan pipeline maintenance and replacement and avoid unexpected failures.


PE Pipeline Condition Assessment

  • Asset owners need to be able to assess the residual lifetime of the pipelines
  • There is a requirement to monitor the condition of PE pipelines in long term pressure applications
  • Pipeline condition assessment requires an understanding of the pipe history and assessment of future conditions
  • As Australia’s exclusive manufacturer of PE100 pipe grades, Qenos has built up significant experience and expertise in assessing the condition of PE pipeline materials
  • Qenos has the most advanced polyolefins laboratory in Australia
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